Argentine Beekeepers' Magazine



November 8th, 2021

Versión en Castellano

(Espacio Apícola, November 8th, 2021) The next Apimondia Congress will be held in the city of Ufa, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, of the Russian Federation, between September 5 and 10, 2022.

The presentation of works is open in the most relevant instance worldwide. At the same time, it is a great opportunity for many Western beekeepers to meet and exchange with their Russian counterparts. Already the congress in Kiev, Ukraine re-established many contacts. This is the opportunity to delve into them and let global beekeeping shine in Ufa.

>Here it is the warm welcome letter from the President of the Apimondia Congress Ufa2022 and President of the National Union of Beekeepers of Russia, Arnold Butov:

Dear friends!

Beekeepers in Russia have carefully passed on the traditions and experience of beekeeping from generation to generation. The Russian National Union of Beekeepers is the largest community of beekeepers and the successor of the Russian Society of Beekeepers with a 128-year history.

The names of Russian beekeeper scientists, such as A. Butlerov, I. Kablukov, N. Vitvitskiy, G. Kozhevnikov, A. Titov and many others who contributed to the development of world beekeeping are well known all over the world.

The main objectives of the Russian National Union of Beekeepers are to preserve bees - guarantors of development and prosperity of flora and fauna; to create conditions for creative approach to beekeeping and for production of high-quality honey by beekeepers - members of the Union. Russian National Union of Beekeepers takes an active part in all relevant events in the world.

The Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan traditionally provides special support to beekeeping. People in Bashkortostan are known for their particular hospitality, exceptional traditions, their love and knowledge in beekeeping and have the highest honey consumption rate in Russia.

It is not coincidence that Bashkortostan has come forward with an initiative to hold the 47th Apimondia Congress in Ufa. I am sure that each participant of the Congress will find something interesting and will have an opportunity to get to know the experience of the best beekeepers of not only Bashkortostan, but also of all Russian regions presented at ApiExpo 2022.

We will be glad to welcome you, dear colleagues!

President of the Russian National Union of Beekeepers
A. Butov

Go to 47th Apimondia Congress site

Information generated by "Espacio Apícola" the Argentine Beekeepers' Magazine