Argentine Beekeepers' Magazine



August 1st, 2024

Versión original en Castellano

(Espacio Apícola - August 1st, 2024) At the request of several companies from countries sanctioned for dumping in 2022 on honey exported to the United States, the petitioners and some local companies and after the First Administrative Review that concluded on June 28th with the preliminary determination that we duly published (go to the note here), the United States Department of Commerce (DOC) has initiated a new period of review for all particular cases.

This beginning of the new Administrative Review was published for several antidumping and countervailing duty sanctions on July 29th, including sanctions for dumping honey from Argentina, Brazil, India and Vietnam.

Based on this, the Customs and Border Protection Office (CBP) was asked for import records during the new Period of Review (POR). It is the will of the Department of Commerce to publish this information next Monday. Interested parties can then refute that information or make comments within the next five days.

Since several of the 23 Argentine companies involved have requested this review, it is likely that the DOC will select the documentation of only some of them, although all of them would be entitled to request differentiated tariffs according to what we understand from the publication in the Federal Register (Vol. 89 No. 145/ Monday, July 29, 2024, page 60871).

The Period of Review (POR) covers commercial operations between June 1st, 2023, and May 31st, 2024. The Argentine companies that requested their review are NEXCO, Apícola Danangie, Patagonik, Compañía Apícola Argentina, Villamora S.A., Gasroni, and ACA, then, the petitioners of the sanctions and the importing companies Prairie, Impex, and Sunland. The final results of these reviews would be available by June 30th, 2025 at the latest.

Fernando L. Esteban

Information generated by "Espacio Apícola" the Argentine Beekeepers' Magazine