Argentine Beekeepers' Magazine


August 26th 2021

Original en Castellano

(Espacio Apícola, August 26th 2021) Resolution 425/2021 of the National Service of Agrifood Health and Quality (Senasa, Argentina) entered into force last August 14th prohibiting the importation of Fipronil as of October 13th and its elaboration and packing as of December 12th.

The use of the neurotoxic insecticide is the active principle of widely used formulations such as CLAP (Bayer) or Termidor (Basf).

The marketing and use of these and other products that contain fipronil in their formulation as Concentrated Suspension (SC) or Dispersible Granules (WG) is permanently prohibited as of December 12th 2022.

Until then we will have to remain vigilant. This is the information on the product's label: "Highly toxic to bees. In the presence of beehives in the area surrounding the lot to be treated, the responsible beekeeper must be notified in advance so that he can remove the beehives to move them to a distance equivalent to the maximum flight of the bees. If the treated lot is in bloom, the beehives should not re-enter the risk area for at least 30 days". (2000 Ha blocked to pollinators for 30 days because only one aplication of this poison)

BEEKEEPERS BEWARE: During this period it is also important to consider that many unscrupulous distributors will want to sell their stock at the offer price and others will use it indiscriminately, stealthily, due to the prevailing prohibition.

Fernando Esteban

Information generated by "Espacio Apícola" the Argentine Beekeepers' Magazine