Main titles of ESPACIO APICOLA Number 30,
November 1997.
Netherland Beekeeping: Mills, Tulips and Honey![]() Will and Kees van Holland and Cees de Bondt invited us to exchange opinions and experiences in their house, in the countryside, nearby Rhenen to some 60 kilometers of Amsterdam. ![]() With 450 beehives, Kees van Holland are considered the best and bigger beekeeper in Netherland. The market that they develop is diversity and honey is almost a by-product. We can say that they sell "beekeeping", they sell "beekeeping folklore", they sell well-being and health sensation , behind each flask of honey. With them we spoke about production topics, sanity, markets... All accompanied by 19 illustrative pictures. To top Italy: The cooperative force ![]() During the Apimondia Congress in Antwerp, we interviewed Lucio Cavazzoni, president of the Consorzio Nazionale Apicultori, of Italy. He highlights the achievements and cooperative importance in the Italy beekeeping, the influence of this consortium in the internal market of their country and their work structure, model for beekeepers organization around the world. To top Se.Na.S.A.'s Norms (Argentine) The National Service of Animal Sanity of Argentine (Se.Na.S.A.), entity that regulates the primary production, has come publishing diverse norms for the beekeeping that they are clearly much more demanding that the work systems that we could verify between the main producers of Netherland and Germany. These norms, although they point to optimize and to guarantee the productive systems, they could be counteractive, for example: to facilitate the incorporation of genetic material of countries that they conserve pure lines of bees "apis mellifera ligustica" to maintain the quality of our apiaries. To top Spain: A postcard of the Beekeeping in Spain ![]() Hardly arrived in Antwerp, Alberto Bigne his wife and son, cames to visit the stand of Argentina and they accompanied us in several moments. Knowing about their knowledge of Europe We asked him to introduce us to some prominent beekeeper of Spain. Hardly made contact, he came to warn us and we coordinated the encounter with Pepe and Rafael Serra and Rafael Serra Jr., who come from Valencia. Other to say is that we feel very pleased with these colleagues, like with the whole delegation of Spain that then visited us and with whom we also share "zortzicos" and other traditional Spanish songs. "The beekeeping in Spain is not Argentina hey!" -Pepe started up - "it is very different..." and they was narrating us all their experience to share it with our readers. To top |
Wales: A visit to the I.B.R.A.
![]() We visited the International Bee Research Association with headquarters in Cardiff, capital of Wales, in the United Kingdom. It is one of the most important libraries on beekeeping in the world. In the picture Sue, Salma and Jaqueline, three of the librarians that work ordering the material and maintaining the contact in the entire world with their numerous associates. With their director, Richard Jones, we had the opportunity to chat during the Congress, in Antwerp. To top The points out of the XXXV Apimondia Congress in Antwerp ![]() THEMATIC OF THE CONGRESS During the Congress you could listen to reports, or visit the posters hall, or participate in symposiums (discussion meetings) about bumblebees, bees without sting, africanized bees, varroa, loque, monofloral honeys or residuals in the beekeeping products. The scientific program included reports about Economy, Biology, Patology, Melliferous Flora and Pollination, Technology and Equipment, Apitherapy and Beekeeping for the Rural Development. This thematic occupied great part of the Congress and it is necessary to highlight that they are numerous development projects that have the beekeeping like one of their main productive activities. To top Xerophilus forest Beekeeping ![]() As for several years, in the first days of August, our responsible team, transferred an experimental apiaries to the "Monte chaqueño" (xerophilus forest - enough degraded) that skirts the big salines of our province (state) of Córdoba (in Argentina). We begin incentivating with sugar syrup and substitutes of pollen during approximately 20 days. Toward ends of August the entrance of nectar and pollen made unnecessary the application of substitutes.
It was in general strong standard breeding beehives, some with another half standard and very few in double standard breeding beehive. ![]() This year, for ends of October, they had achieved a nucleus by beehive, they stretched an average from twelve to thirteen squares of sheet wax each one and it had been begun with the honey harvest, estimated in about 12 kg. by beehive, besides the marks extracted for nucleus feeding; while collaborators of our magazine, of Río Cuarto area, commented us that they should go to the apiaries to feed at the same time. Newly we appear in Internet,... be patient! We will go publishing, new comments and notes about different informations. We also have foreseen to present a listing of topics, articles and authors published in ESPACIO APICOLA in these seven years. We receive suggestions and comments, contact us. To top |
Punilla 1784
5006 Córdoba
Argentine Republic
Tel/Fax: 54-351-4564337