NOSEMA - second part We publish the second part from this introductory article to the Nosema disease, an illness of the bees disseminated everywhere of the world, with different incidence. In the first part, published in Espacio Apícola" nš 44, we approach the following referred topics Nosema apis Zander: Etiology, Biological Cycle, Favorable Enviromental Conditions, Symptoms, Damages that Nosema apis Zander causes and Diagnostic. In this number we approach the following topics: - INFECTION AND DIFFUSION CENTRES - PREVENTION - DIAGNOSE TO FIELD - TREATMENTS - SYSTEMATIZING OF THE TREATMENTS - BIBLIOGRAPHY To top IBRA Thailand Seventh IBRA International Conference on Tropical Bees ![]()
Last March of 2000 the International Bee Research Association (IBRA), one of the most complete beekeeping libraries in the World, they carried out the "7th IBRA International Conference on Tropical Bees: Management and Diversity" in Thailand. USA needs beekeepers
A new manpower recruiting service has appeared into the Argentine Beekeeping Market. ![]()
It was carried out the "6th Beekeeping Science and technology Meeting" during last August 12th, 13th and 14th, in Valdivia city, Chile. Corrientes Beekeeping Aspects in the Northeast of Argentina The recent construction of the bridge that unites the cities of Resistancia (Chaco) and Corrientes, in the last century quarter, it has changed the socio-economic map notably in the Northeast region of Argentina. Who crossed the Paraná river in raft in the 70, we met with a mainly colonial city in their style and almost feudal in their sociocultural mind. Today this panorama has radically changed for the thunderous and permanent traffic that there are among the two cities. The note describes different aspects of the apicultural reality in the region and it includes a report about: PRODUCTS DIVERSIFICATION IN THE NEA (Northeast of Argentina) Taking advantage of our visit to Corrientes, we interview the Biologist Cristina Salgado who participated exposing a poster in the "Argentine Beekeeping Regions Meeting" during the last Api-Expo San Francisco 2000. To top |
Health Honey and Teeth We present a new article of the Dr. Hugo Aguirre, of San Guillermo's town in Santa Fe province - Argentina. Hugo is medical and beekeeper and it uses the fruits of the beehive like therapeutic complement in the treatment of his patients. With him and other two colleagues beekeepers we share the room of the hotel in Vancouver during the last Apimondia Congress (1999). The article is a based contribution that it distinguishes the damages that the sugar causes in the teeth, in front of a different behavior of the honey. To top Córdoba Argentina Beekeeping in Xerophilus plants regions Making Nucleus Jorge Fernández, Pedro González and Pedro Silva they are some of the Buenos Aires province beekeepers that this year came to prove luck in the Xerophilus areas of the north of Córdoba province. They arrived with around 2000 beehives between July 28th and August 12th of 2000. They were located in area of the "Monte Chaqueño Occidental" (a xerophilus kind of forest), in vicinities of the "Salinas Grandes" (salt mine). The area has different blossoming varieties of Prosopis (albus, nigra, flexuosa, alpataco and others), Capparis Atamisquea, Sisifus Mistol, Brea and Larrea divaricata among others of smaller relevance. This year, like the past, the temperatures between August and November, they have been very below to the normal stocking for this area. The article describes the beehives handling in these subtropical areas and how the beekeepers take advantage of these regions mainly for the nucleus production. To top Market USA began demands for Dumping against Chinese and Argentine Honey Last November of 2000, the Argentine Embassy in Washington (USA) received the communication formally that, the Department of Commerce of the United States had begun an investigation in order to determine if subsidies or economic compensations have existed, in the Argentine Honey exported to the USA, dedicated so much to beekeepers as to exporters. The Sioux Honey Association and the American Honey Producers Association has presented a demand requesting this investigation against China and Argentina. They presume that China and Argentina sales honey to the United States below a reasonable price (well-known as Dumping) and against Argentina in particular for presumed subsidies of the State to the beekeepers and that they affected the exports carried out in 1999. The detailed article describes all the points of the demand and we make an analysis of the situation. It is an excellent introduction to a thematic one stranger up to now for the Argentine Honey Exporter Market. These are the subtitles of this extensive article: - A HOT SUMMER - THE QUESTIONNAIRE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - FIRST CONCLUSIONS ON THIS SYNTHESIS - (In separate frame) THE ITC - International Trade Commission - VOTE TO CONTINUING WITH THE DEMANDS AGAINST THE ARGENTINE AND CHINESE HONEY To top Varroa Necochea - Bs. As. Argentina Treatments using Vaseline Results A seemingly effective, innocuous and cheap method seems to be the answer to a long nightmare. The fight against the varroa always finds new recipes. In general, in "Espacio Apícola" we don't refer to them for different reasons. Sometimes because they not use chemical products prepared specifically for the use with bees and with unknown risks of contamination of the production. Other times because the preparation of certain products (little wooden boards... cardboards... pills... etc.) they suffer of the minimum covenants of title of truthfulness in the components and proportions of the formulations that make their fans "alchemist". In this opportunity Mr. Angel Zola, industrial beekeeper of Necochea in the south of Buenos Aires province, put into practice this method developed by the Dr. Pedro P. Rodríguez ![]() of Spain, with excellent results in more than 5000 beehives. The article describes the simple preparation of the product, its application method and the obtained results. To top |
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Argentine Republic
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