Original in Spanish

Mr. Hugo Tasinato is a recognized Queenbees breeder in Amenabar city, Santa Fe province. Queenbees Breeding implies a lot of dedication. The method that we present in this edition speeds up works specially during nectar flow and where we have little room.

Hard Edition published in March of 2008


Main titles of the 81st edition of ESPACIO APICOLA,
January - March 2008.




Fernando L Esteban (Córdoba, March 30th 2008) We don't know how Argentinean current crisis will finish. There is an imminent fall of the administrative model as a cause of the institutional hole, the lack of a political project, the total absence of imagination to plan a sustainable and inclusive development of the country. To sum up, the inability to govern without the discretionary handling of the ordinary resources of the State.
In fact, the opportune model, established in 2002 by the Minister Mr. Lavagna, that tries to recover the Treasury through the taxes to exports, had better results that foreseen and gave enough "oxygen" to Néstor Kirchner's government, in order to start from scratch and build a new country from genuine resources. That model gave credibility to Mr. Lavagna in the whole country, but now he has returned to the inside of the Kirchner party...
During the first three years of economic growth, the President had the great opportunity but he didn't take advantage of it, he kept stuck in his own ruling class tangle and, unable to set the course to the great productive capacity provinces such as the interior of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Mendoza or Entre Ríos, he only kept the power of managing the till. A repeated characteristic in the Argentinean ruling class, that is used to seeks for their immediate interest and that, just to avoid confrontation, sit down in the President armchair an unknown populist leader.
The idea of Mr. Lavagna lasted a couple of years but, he should give up because he didn't have a plan for the starting inflation or the government didn't make up their minds to start it. Soon, the regional economies were in danger and they were not profitable anymore. However as the international grain prices were rising constantly, nobody could say anything. What did it matter if the honey exporting market fell down from more than 200 million dollars per year to hardly 100 if on the other hand the government multiplied by 10 the incomes from the cereal?.
Other productive chains stopped working for the same reason. Now it is the turn of the most important agricultural production, which while having the possibility and resources of starting planning, they also choosed the inmediate results. There's still some moral reserve in small producers and enough professional ability to do it well, although they seem to be quite stunned by technologies imposed by big capitals. We struggle to head towards the sun after the storm. Crises are moments for proposals and changes, see you in San Francisco.
Fernando L. Esteban - Director
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Beekeeping Situation and Perspective in Córdoba Province
Fernando L. Esteban
Córdoba - Argentina

Cordoba - marzo 2008
March 14th 2008. Córdoba Downtown and hundred of routes of the country were blocked by farmers that rejected the increase of cereals export taxes.

The article contains a detailed analysis of the Argentine Beekeeping situation in the general context of the country.
In the meeting room of the splendid "Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle raising and Foods of Córdoba Province, the first annual meeting of the Beekeeping Advisory Committee of Córdoba took place, last March 14th 2008.
Only 6 in more than 20 departamental delegates and some collaborators attended the meeting.
The meeting was presided by the Secretary of Cattle raising, vet Daniel Carignano, and the beekeeping area responsible, Mr. Manuel Oliver.
The meeting took place the day that the demostration of the agricultural sector began, after the announcement of the National Minister of Economy, Martin Lousteau, about the increase of export taxes for soya beans for more than 44% and also sunflower taxes.
The previous day the Governor of Cordoba, accountant Juan Schiaretti, had announced recovery projects for regional economies during a meeting where the president of the provincial bank announced loans, with subsidized rate of 8,5 % per year, of more than 140 million pesos (U$S 46.6 million). 40 million of this amount of money would be for agricultural sector and 4 million (U$S 1.3 million) specially for beekeeping.
The article goes on with the following subtitles:
ANTE-PROJECT OF BEEKEEPING DEVELOPMENT (presented by the Technicians of Cordoba Government)
General objective
Prospective results
SEPARATING THE STRAW FROM THE WHEAT (Different comments of the departmental delegates to the content of the project). -

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Tasinato Method of Queen Cells Production
Manuel L. Oliver
Córdoba - Argentina

Hugo Tasinato
Mr. Hugo Tasinato
Hugo Tasinato was born in Peirano city, Santa Fe. During his childhood and youth strolled throug different parts of the province with his family because his father, employee of the Mail Service, was usually transferred. When Hugo became independent, he also worked on the same Mail Service and he arrived in Amenabar city for work. He liked very much the place and he settled down there...
At the beginning of '50s he bought his first two beehives and he started working toward queenbee breading, he soon became, as many other colleagues, pupil of Mr. Jacinto Naveiro and shared with Mr. Ricardo Prieto and his father a close relationship that lasted for years. On the picture of this page, Mr. Hugo Tasinato is giving a class to students of the National University of Rio Cuarto. The breeding camera is a little wider than the super over the super! and behind, the feeder that is being used can be seen. Thanks to Fernando Biolé for the picture.
It finally arrives to our pages this method of Queen Cells production developed by the famous queenbees breeder of Amenabar city, Mr Hugo Tasinato. The job was written more than 12 years ago, "we rehearsed it, put in practice and now we put it under all readers' consideration" -says Manuel Oliver- "it will be of great use for small and medium producers and it is a recognition to his career and his innovation".
Today in the farm, with their 83 years Hugo is accompanied by Gustavo, one of his children. Reserving for if the selection of cells and the finest details. His farm is located in a highly soya region, for what his bees are nurtured with the urban flora and artificial resources and also with little space to develop all the activities, in comparison with companies located in the middle of field; for that he developed this Starter and Finisher Chamber. The article was born starting from a visit that Manuel Oliver, technician of the Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle raising and Foods of Córdoba, did to Mr. Hugo Tasinato among 1994 -1996. In our editorial headquarters we make this note for Manuel to uses it in his queenbees breading courses and after having tested it enought, we decided to publish it.
GRAPHICS AND MAKEUP - Fernando Esteban
Starter and Finishing Queen Cells chamber
The article describes with seven demonstrative graphics and pictures, how handling the beehive dedicated to the production of queen cells and also the rotation of the Farrar basket in the colonies with Queen Bees Mothers.

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Antibacterial activity of Monospecific Honeys of Algarrobo (Prosopis spp.), Eucalyptus and Chilca (Baccharis spp.) against Meticiline Resistant Bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Fernando L. Esteban
Córdoba - Argentina

"This work, carries out a very significant contribution to the studies of the honey antibacterial power and very original, because it correlates the honey composition and characteristic with its inhibitory activity against bacteria. As you can see, it was found very interesting data, and correlation that could serve as a base for studies to come".

José Francisco Maidana

Director of CEDIA (Beekeeping Investigation Center - Santiago del Estero - Argentina)
February 29th 2008
Antibacterial activity of Monospecific Honeys of Algarrobo (Prosopis spp), Eucalyptus and Chilca (Baccharis spp) against Meticiline Resistant Bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus
In terms of its strong organoleptic characters and high concentration of monospecific pollen there were selected three different samples of honeys crop 2006-2007: Eucalyptus sp.; Baccharis sp. and Prosopis sp. of certain areas of the Argentina. The antibacterial activity of this honeys was determined by the World Health Organization techniques in front of meticiline resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 227853 and Escherichia coli ATCC 35218. For each experiment it was prepared honey dilutions of 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 12,5% volume in volume. It was prepared a sugar dilution with the same concentration of honey to compare each experiment. The antibacterial activity of each honey was related with the Physicochemical parameters of Humidity and Soluble Solids, HMF, electric Conductivity, free Acidity, pH, diastase Index, glucoxidase Activity, catalase Detection, peroxidase Detection and Colour. Honey samples of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.), Chilca (Baccharis sp.) and Algarrobo (Prosopis sp.) submited to study, presented antibacterial activity in front of meticiline resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 227853 and Escherichia coli ATCC 35218. The osmotic pressure was discarded as the only honey antibacterial factor. Different results of each honey samples and their dissolutions in front of each bacterial strain was proven. The antibacterial activity of this honeys and their physicochemical characters was compared. Gucoxidase activity was detected in the three samples by hydrogen peroxide presence, considered main antibacterial factor of honeys. In those samples where the catalase activity was positive, its presence would be proportional to the diastase activity and restrictive of the glucoxidase activity. The antibacterial activity didn't keep a directly proportional relationship with the hydrogen peroxide production. In order of the obtained results it could be recommend the sugar substitution for these honeys, to prepare wound dressings, as well as their possible use as food preserve additive.
Eucalyptus, Prosopis and Baccharis physicochemical variables comparison

Fernando Luis Esteban
Córdoba, March 4th 2008

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First on-line edition March 5th of 1997

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