Varroa Control with Mineral Oil (FGMO)

Original en Español

Varroa Control it's a serious problem in the Argentine and world wide Beekeeping. Recent experiences with Mineral Oil (FGMO) have generated a great expectation for their easy application, effectiveness, low cost and harmless.
This is a special edition of "Espacio Apícola" that contains all the investigation works developed by the Dr. Pedro Pablo Rodríguez using FGMO for the control of the Acarus Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans and the Acarus Acarapis woodi, supplemented with an important work of investigation of the Dr. Jorge Augusto Marcangeli on the hygienic behaviour of Apis mellifera L.

Update on April of 2001


Main titles of the edition47of ESPACIO APICOLA,
March-April of 2001.

Table of contents



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Special Issue

Three important main characters in the use of the mineral oil for the control of  varroa: Hugo Aguirre, Angel Zola and Pedro P Rodriguez; present in Rio Cuarto 2001 (Córdoba, April 30 of 2001) This Espacio Apícola issue arrives to you during the Api-Expo Río Cuarto 2001, and a few days after it for some of you.
The speed with which certain events are happened many times make us prey of the urgencies and, frequently, it makes us lose the direction, the perspective, the attainment of medium and term objectives that they are those produce deep and durable changes.
It's great responsibility for us to have the time that you dedicate to read and to reread these pages. It is the time that you removes from the hours of rest, it is the time that you have for yourself, for your intimacy, to study, to think, to dream.
You want that we respect that time. You deserve that we don't stun you; that we offer tools to discern, to project and to act in the best way.
Here it is the difference among the “information” and the “communication”. Today the access to the information is easy and quick, it is vertiginous and deafening. What is not so simple is to discern the truthfulness, the genuineness and the interests that are behind the information that is given. Doesn't the interest sometimes go beyond “to survive distracting people” without the minimum approach, neither objective, but only for the fact of getting the attention (Reality Show?).
"Communication" it is another thing. It is to establish a bond with somebody. A Means of Communication generates bonds, relationships; and the bonds generate facts, changes, transformations.
In this special issue of "Espacio Apícola", we have left in the inkwell a lot of topics, to base and to consolidate infinity of bonds that have settled down starting from the experience "communicated" by Mr. Angel Zola in the nº45, on the Treatment of Varroa with absorbed Cords with Mineral Oil (FGMO).
Mr. Angel Zola is an old subscriber of our publication. In June of the last year we deep that bond when we went to visit him expressly to Necochea (Buenos Aires province). Then, for that reason of the friendship, of the mutual trust, of the communion, appear the "communication" of his experience through our pages and was geenerated a national and international phenomenon, without precedents, and in a very brief time. Until now, the investigations that had given cause to his experience, had been circunscribed to an relatively small circle.
We thank deeply to Mr. Zola for his trust and in a very special way to the Dr. Pedro Pablo Rodríguez to come to "Río Cuarto"(Córdoba province) to consolidate and to base, with his knowledge, the cause of these bonds that they are the main reason of this "Espacio Apícola" (Beekeeping Space!!).

The Director
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Puerto Rico - USA - Spain
The Dr. Pedro P. Rodríguez put a hinge in the time using the Mineral Oil (FGMO) against varroa.

After the publication of Mr. Angel Zola experience, from Necochea (Buenos Aires province- Argentina) into "Espacio Apícola" nº 45 a true revolution has taken place at international level about varroa's treatment. Angel had start of the advice gived by the Dr. Pedro Pablo Rodríguez in the Internet Spanish Beekeeping List. Recently he was visit us in the “9ª Fair and Beekeeping Meeting of the Center of the Republic” organized by our editorial in Río Cuarto - Córdoba province - Argentina.

An attractive personality

Dr. Pedro Pablo Rodríguez during his conference in the Api-Expo Río Cuarto 2001
Born and educated in a farm of Puerto Rico, the Dr. Pedro Pablo Rodríguez, had from his childhood a special inclination to take care of sick animals.
Married with Pilar Sampablo Rodríguez they have a daughter and two sons. Pedro is Graduate in Zootechny by the University of Puerto Rico; Graduate in Veterinary science in the University Of Alcalá de Henares of Madrid and Doctorate in Veterinary science in the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (USA).
At the moment he is retired as high official of the Agriculture office of the USA and like Colonel of the Army of Earth of USA. "Still memory - he says in the preamble of one of his works - the warnings of my parents for "spend" time and money in causes "worthless", mainly my mother to use their castor oil to treat ticks of the chickens and the acarus of the ears of the rabbits of the farm". In his first years, of veterinary doctor, he used mineral oil to treat the acarus of the ears of the cats. Later on the "mineral oil" (FGMO) it became part of his professional first-aid kit when, being official supervisor of food industries, he approved the use of the "mineral oil" for the maintenance of the industrial equipment of prosecution of foods.
His dedication to the study of the bees illnesses has been fruit of his great love for the bees and the nature. He learned their father's beekeeping and to the 9 years he had their first beehives.-

The Acarus of the bees and the Mineral Oil

by: Dr. Pedro P. Rodríguez

Varroa's Treatment with FGMO(Index of the treated items):
The Method
A. Work in Laboratory
B. Work to field
Evaluation of the treatment
PHASE II (dispenser bottle)
Advantages of this method

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Investigations developed by the Dr. Pedro P. Rodríguez - Sistematization from 1996 up to 1999 - First part

The acarus of the bee represent a formidable threat to the susceptible melliferous bees of the species Apis mellifera. The destruction of most of the wild colonies and of a high percentage of domestic bees it has alarmed from all over the world to the teams of investigators of the scientific community that they studied several treatment forms to combat them. Due to the contamination, the vulnerability and of the potential of the melliferous bees, the number of the substances that can be used for that purpose is little and restricted by the law. The acarus have developed resistance to the fluvalinate, what the necessity of alternative treatment methods increases. The mineral oil of the nutritious category, (vaseline or FGMO), it is proven searching an easy method, environmentally friendly and economically viable to combat the acarus of the bee.
Rehearsals in Laboratory
Tests in the Field
Rehearsals 1996-1997
Rehearsals 1998
Application of FGMO with a portable propane vaporizer

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Córdoba - Argentina - Api-Expo Río Cuarto 2001

Api-expo Rio Cuarto 2001

Continuing with the yearning to generate every day new participation and meeting SPACES, in order to facilitate the exchange and possible association among the beekeepers and interested sectors in different aspects linked to our activity in the whole country, the Editorial of “Espacio Apicola” organizes the “9th Fair and Beekeeping Meeting of the Center of the Republic.”
This year, on May 11, 12 and 13 of 2001, the appointment is the Api-Expo Rio Cuarto 2001, we will revive the “Argentine Beekeeping Regions Meeting” that it had beginning last year in San Francisco, and we invite to a “Induction Seminar to the Apitherapy like Complementary Therapy.”
The activities will be developed in the property of the Rural Society of Rio Cuarto city.
More information in our page of Courses and to the E-mail:

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FGMO use for the Control of the Bee's Acarus - Second Part.

The acarus of the melliferous bee they are not only responsible for the destruction of a high number of colonies per year, but also of the economic losses caused by the decrease of the production, the cost of the treatments, the work and the cost of the investigations that it implies. While alternative treatments are experienced and they are proven and they introduce in the beekeeping new products, continuous the yearning to contain the infest, if not to eradicate it. As in previous years, the investigation has continued searching of a treatment of the acarus of the bees, with the mineral oil of the nutritious category, FGMO whose cost is reasonable and appropriate for the bees and the environment.
Place of the rehearsal
A. - powdered FGMO with a propane vaporizer
B. - FGMO and Sugar Emulsion
Results of the Test

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Necochea - Argentina - Getting absorbed Cords with FGMO (Angel Zola)
A heater to prepare the emulsion and a tray of stainless steel is the only necessary tools to prepare the cords for a beekeeper of more than 5000 beehives
A photograph of the necessary tools to prepare the cords with FGMO just as Mr. Angel Zola explains in the note.

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How to use the Vaporizer and the Cords (Dr. P.P. Rodríguez)

Pedro P Rodriguez showing the operation of the vaporizer that uses to apply the FGMO, during the Api-Expo Rio Cuarto 2001
Dr. Rodríguez's personal communications are presented in those he enlarge details about the use of the vaporizer.

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Mar del Plata - Argentina
Hygienic behavior of Bees Apis mellifera L. in Breeding Cells infested artificially with the Acarus ectoparasitic Varroa jacobsoni - Original - Dr. J.A. Marcangeli

Although the varroasis is frequent study reason in the last 20 years, the investigation works in the academic environment of the Argentine Republic reached continuity starting from the incursion in the same of the Dr. Jorge Augusto Marcangeli at the beginning of the 90, ("Espacio Apícola" nº25 Nov. of 1996). Also from its beginnings, the primordial objective of the investigative environments, was to discover the genetic patterns that defined the hygienic behavior of the bees like decisive factor in the control of this and other illnesses.
In the Dr. Pedro P. Rodríguez's extensive works, presented in this issue, cleaning and domestic habits of the Bees are referenced as a decisive element in the success of the outlined alternative treatments.
On the other hand the Dr. Jorge A. Marcangeli, of the Arthropods Laboratory of the National University of Mar del Plata (Bs.As. - Argentina), has the deference of sharing with our readers this original work referred especially to the topic in question. The work, published as a whole, includes the following subtitles:
Material and Methods

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Tres Arroyos - Argentina
Interview: Torben Flensborg (The experience of a Danish immigrant)

Torben Flensborg
It's a pleasure for us to share this interview to Torben Flensborg in his house in "Tres Arroyos" (BsAs - Argentina) last March.
A beekeeper 81 years old, he knows so much about beekeeping and the life. In these times, his experience, his advice are much more than a qualified opinion.
Grandson of Basque! ahead! - Torben Flensborg exclaimed for our surprise while he invited me to sit down next to a little table, with a white cover embroidered, in the room of his Northen house (in the South) and he continued -, Basque are very good people, Basque and Danish, Vikings, we are the same thing, we are the oldest people in Europe. I am Viking pure of Denmark, of Randruk town that was rather a castle in the region of Skistensund that it means county of Skisten (just as it sounds). I Came to Argentina with 7 years only, when my parents should emigrate because of a great economic crisis.
I have 5 children; two are here with me, 2 in Bariloche (Argentine Andes) and the other one works in Energy near Necochea. All have children that are studying, to achieve this a big country that we all want. It is our destination, God by means of. It was not necessary to ask a lot. Only to allow him to speak. A man that reflects a great vitality and bloom. If it was not for his thick and hurt hands, signs of a sacrified life from the childhood, I could confuse it with ingenuousness...

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Proline in Argentinean Honeys

An extract of one of the works announced for the Api-Expo Río Cuarto 2001.
Di Gerónimo, J.; Eguaras M. and Fritz, R. Chemistry Department. Exact and Natural Sciences School. University of Mar del Plata. Funes 3350. 7600. Mar del Plata. Tel: 0223-4756167; Fax: 0223-4753150e-mail:
Proline, the most important free amino acid in the honey, is in a half percentage of 50-85% in regard to the other amino acids.
Their content is an approach of quality referred to its maturation and in some cases it allows to detect adulterations.
The genuine honeys should contain a minimum of 180 mg proline/kg honey; however, it is necessary to consider that big variations exist according to the type of honey.
The objective of this work was to determine the proline concentration in honeys in order to contribute to the knowledge of one of the parameters that could be used as quality parameter for the samples that waste away in our country or they are exported. Samples of Buenos Aires province were used and mainly of the area of Mar del Plata.

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First edition March 5th of 1997

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Argentine Republic
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