Advances of the Apimondia Congress:
"Comment about Three Hot Questions" Samuel de León Montevideo - Uruguay Samuel de León criticizes the traditional lines of beekeeping investigation that would have applied, as absolute, the approaches and parameters settled down by the genetics. Recently we publish the bases for those Samuel de León proposes a new science for the Bees study, the "Arjética" (Arjetic) (Espacio Apícola # 40 Dec-99). Samuel doesn't accept that the genetics was applied directly to bees and he sustains that the genetic cannot describe neither to explain the bees phenomena as of other insects. His theories have been considered by the papers examining committee to present it during the next Congress that organizes every two years the International Beekeeper's Federation, “Apimondia 2001”. we Offer this article by way of advance. To top First prize of the Apimondia Congress! - New products with Honey base - Miguel Farioli - Quilmes - Bs.As. - Argentina ![]() Miguel Angel Farioli, Farli CORP. CEO, has invited us last Saturday 22th of September of 2001 to attend the launching of the "Sierra de los Padres" products that this company takes place in society with "Pasodoble Products s.r.l." in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province. "Pasodoble Products s.r.l.", a Rojas family company, of Mar del Plata, has bottled honey for several years and they takes place and bottled creamy honey to the local market. Like other Argentine bottling companies they yearning to export bottling honey, they could do it for the first time last year. On the other hand, Miguel Angel Farioli, grateful beekeeper and manufacturer, he has developed a complete line of machineries and tools to honey extaction and processing, installing important plants to pasteurize, filtrate and bottle honey in the Argentina and other South American countries. His machines for Beekeeping industry found an important landmark when he develope an equipment to homogenize creamed honey with dry fruits, without those ones decant neither alter its components and without any preservative. We have seen how the development of this technology born in the "laboratory" of Miguel in Quilmes. There we have test the first rehearsals more than for four years. Thanks to that effort today he arrives to the fineness of the product recently launched to the market: a creamed honey, soft, ideal to spread, that doesn't drip, amalgamated with pulps of different dry fruits. These incorporate natural flavor, vegetable fiber, proteins and the specific elements of each one to the honey. Beyond a different flavor, the nutritional properties of each fruit are guaranteed. In Mar del Plata we prove creamed honey with plums, peachs, tomatos, nuts, almonds and chocolate. A more exquisite one that another. NEW: These honeys received the "First Prize" in the beehives products category products, during the recent Apimondia Congress in Durban, South Africa. To top The Approaches to Select Bees for Reproduction and First Studies about Molecular Characterization in Argentine bees samples - Ing. Agr. Osvaldo Atela - "Pedro Bover's Queenbees Breeding Apiaries" - Gral. Belgrano - Bs.As. - Argentina ![]()
The kind of bees that better adapts to a region and fulfills the main beekeeper demands, these are and will be the reason of permanent study and debates among beekeepers. |
Vaseline Vs. Varroa: After an year using Absorbed Cords with vaseline - Producers Word - Córdoba - Argentina
It has lapsed one year since the beekeeping in the Argentina was revolutionized, starting from the experience transmitted through these pages, by Mr. Angel Zola, of Necochea and the Dr. Pedro Pablo Rodríguez from Spain. Queenbees Breeding: Practice of a Breeder Luis Gómez Guaymallén - Mendoza - Argentina The correct direction in the selection and multiplication of queenbees was one of the pillars, if not the most important, for the geometric growth that the beekeeping had in Argentina last 30 years. In this "Espacio Apícola" issue, we pay attention to this topic particulary and, as it could not be otherwise, the word of a Commercial Queenbees Breeder it should not be absent. Taking advantage of our visit to Mendoza, to participate on the Api-Expo of Lavalle, the last September 8th, we request to Mr. Luis Miguel Gómez an interview for this special edition. Around 35 years old, Luis should already be the more young queensbees breeder secured of the country. He has the "fenotipo" ("phenotype"?) characteristic of the bigers: measured, neat, orderly, punctual... it gives pleasure to read it. - To top IRAM norm 6045:2001 "Metallic cylindrical Drums for honey of 230 liters" - IRAM - Capital Federal - Argentina The Argentine Institute of Normalization, IRAM, announced the promulgation of the norm for the production of drums for honey. The makers are not forced to complete this norm, they can abide to it to guarantee their products. "Espacio Apícola" participated of one of the study meetings of this norm, at the end of 2000, and know the later development. The impression that caused us is that, the people went to discuss in the IRAM a problem unaware to the objectives of this institute. To top DUMPING: Economic Terrorism of the Central Power Finally, there are definitive percentages of the sanctions imposed by the Department of Commerce of the United States, in this case, against Argentine Honey. CONAGRA (who was not present defence) will pay a tariff of 60,67% more 5,85% established against presumed Argentine Gov. subsidies. Then A.C.A. with 38,71% more 5,85%. Radix is the most favored company, with a percentage of 32,56% more 5,85%. The not investigated companies will pay a tariff of 36,59% more 5,85%.- To top |
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