Complementary Works Against Varroa - The Honeycomb Trap use - Dra. Mayda Verde J. - Beekeeping Department - Ministry of Agriculture - CUBA Capable Chemist during the Crop - The "Api life VAR®" use - (Timol)
Professional beekeeping in Argentina - Tortuous Beginning of the Season While some European buyers speculate with which Argentina will reach to export 120.000 tons of honey this year, the beginning of the season shows serious arguments against that presumption and of the desires and necessities of the Argentine beekeepers. The experience of colleagues that moved apiaries to "Tucumán" and north of "Córdoba" pointed out that the season in that areas had been disparate and in general bad. Another point happened to the north of the "Santa Fe" province, while in the south of "Corrientes" and north of "Entre Ríos" the hight moisture also complicated the first crops. Also the prices, between October and November, fall 20% in American dollars. The inflation and the changes of the fiscal regulations, modifications in the IVA law (capital gains tax), imposing a retention of more than 60% of the tribute, the retentions of the Earnings Tax starting from sales over $12.000 (arround U$D 3.500) by month and the State refusal to fix an inflation index to determine the same tax, they are delaying the commercial operations and it is only sold to liquidate debts. At the begining of the season in the "Pampas" area, we meet in "Achiras" Village with some beekeepers friends of the region: Victor Hugo Bertola, Elio Cantarutti and Fernando Loser. We approach the following topics: SEASON DELAY DISEASES: OUTBREAKS OF AMERICAN FOUL BROOD STACKING OF BEEHIVES BOOKKEEPER ASPECTS TAXES THEY PAY THOSE THAT CANNOT LEAVE (The Country) ADVANCES PAYMENTS OF EARNINGS TAX. To top Characteristic and Measures of the Argentine behives - Standard - Editorial work (Second part) Continuing our previous work about the beehive and 1/2 bodies respective frames, now we refer to the bottom, the top and the middle top. With the same previous edition approach, we work with the planes made by Francisco Diez, Pascual Bevilacqua and Ovidio Marzorati, published appropriately by the SADA. Topics: THE BOTTOM THE TOP MIDDLE TOP IRAM NORMS Besides this editorial effort to illustrate our readers and to subject to public discussion several aspects related with the measures and beehives characteristics, it is necesary to say that exist the 114001 IRAM Norm (IRAM: Argentinean Institute of Normalization). The interested ones can acquire the norm in the mentioned institute and to certify the same one for commerce. The same one differs in some details. To top Physical characters of South-East Cordoban Honeys - Argentina - Pablo F. Faye (Agr. Engineer Ms. Cs.) This young investigator of the Córdoba University introduces us, with this original work, in the scientific reasons of the sensorial honey test. This profession has the difficult task of describing the correct methods to capture and to express the sensations that produce different types of honey. It is an old art that we hope to deepen it with the Agr. E. (Ms.Sc.) Pablo F. Faye in the next "Fair and Beekeeping Meeting of the Center of the Republic" in Río Cuarto 2003. Summary Some physical characters were studied on 42 samples of honey from the South-East of Córdoba province, Argentina. The results show that the color varies between 14.55 to 84.82 mm Pfund, being most of the honeys below 50 mm Pfund. Also, the aroma and preponderant flavor was mild. To top |
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5006 Córdoba
Argentine Republic
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