WHAT DOES THE ARGENTINEAN HONEY TASTE LIKE? Alicia Basilio, Beatriz Achaval, Graciela Ciappini, Carlos Ferrari and Laura Gurini Buenos Aires - Argentina Introduction The wealth of our api flora motivated publications in the first beekeeping magazines edited in our country. In the first beekeeping books translated to Spanish and ready for their massive diffusion, the relationship beween the flora and the honey characteristics was develeped (for example Langstroth and Dadant, in the translation of its edition in 1907). However nowadays, it doesn't exist, in our country, honeys that represent a region, that have been completely characterized for their physical - chemical, melisopalinological and sensorial faculties. Many group works have been making their best to reach this characterization, and they are near to get the first results. In this magazine, very complete descriptions about the pollen component and honeys' physical - chemical properties have been pulished. There is a side that is becoming very relevant to the market where most of our exports are going to (European Union): it is the honeys' sensorial analysis. In this presentation we want to insert you in the main notions about the sensorial analysis and spread the efforts that are being made to incorporate this characterization to the competitive advantages that have always been together with the quality of our honeys. Note of the Editor:Facundo and Fernando Esteban of the Espacio Apicola team translated the Wheel of Scents initially proposed by CARI (Centre Apicole de Recherche et d'information) during the Workshop of the Honey International Commission in Lovaina, Belgium 2001 and finally improved by Lucia Piana and Livia Persano Oddo in the work published in Apidologie 35 INRA/DIB-AGIB/EDB Sciences (2004) available in www.edpsciences.org * It is a tentative translation that tries to be adapted; For example: Blackcurrant is a currant characteristic for Europe and “Red Fruit” that textually would be "Fruta Roja", is a scent sui generis that identifies for example beers made with the attach of apple juice, about “Crumpled Leave” we have no idea what it is about and may be other should be revised. - Fernando L. Esteban.- The topics approached in the article are developed trough the following titles: What are the advantages of having local honeys correctly separated by types? Sensorial analysis Progress in the country The article also comes with 5 annexes that referrto: What's happening with honeys in our country? What about honey according to senses? As introduction to the sensorial analysis, we are defining some words according to the Norma IRAM 20001: 1995 What does honey taste like? Honey from our own bees, is the most delicious! To top LEARNING THE FLORAL SMELLS INSIDE THE BEEHIVE: ITS IMPORTANCE DURING THE FOOD GATHERING (Experience in fields with sunflower cultivations) Andres Arenas, Paula Diaz and Walter Farina Study Group of Social Insects - Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences - UBA - Argentina andresarenas79@yahoo.com.ar (From introduction) When foraging bees comes back to the colony and unload the food gathered to their partners, the last ones can sense the floral smells in the nectar or the ones impregnated on the body of the foraging bee. If they comes back from a food rich in nectar or pollen food source, they usually have a stereotyped behavior among their partners. This behavior, which has been very well studied by the winner of the Nobel prize Karl von Frish (previous page picture), is called "the dance of the bees" and offers information about the placing of the flora (according to the way to the sun and the distance from the beehive, this dance helps to the dissipation of the volatile ones that brings the forager on its body). It is demostrated that the success of bees when adapting to almost all the climates of the world is due to their gathering strategies. However what role do the smell code have when gathering for a colony? How is the transfer of smell codes among nest partners? How can the gathering of a resource from the exterior modify the behaviors and gathering choices among nest partners? These are some of the questions that must be answered to understand the processes which guide the gathering for bees. (Continue from the works published previously in Espacio Apicola 74th edition) SCIENTIFIC POINT OF VIEW REACTION OF THE BEE TO THE SUNFLOWER MONOCULTURE TRANSCENDENCY OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE BEES SMELL PHYSIOLOGY Due to the bees have a great importance as pollen agents and as nutritious resources storing agents, analysing their biology and behaviour approache us not only to improve our knowledge on these wonderful insects, but also to improve possible uses that have a direct incidence on the bees handling. To top PALINOLOGIC CHARACTERISTIC OF HONEYS FROM CHUBUT Alicia Forcone Palinology Laboratory - Faculty of Natural Sciences - National University of La Patagonia San Juan Bosco - Trelew - Chubut - Argentina aforcone@infovia.com.ar As scientific directress of the Trelew Herbal, directress of the Palinology Laboratory of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the National University from Patagonia San Juan Bosco and responsible for the Control of Quality of Honey and Beekeeping Products Laboratory (CORFO - Ministry of Production from Chubut and UNPSJB) the presence of Dra. Alicia Forcone, besides hierarchizing the Argentinean Beekeeping Regions Meeting presenting the Api flora from Chubut; she will add to the Meeting the efforts and experience of the Patagonia provinces when protecting and differentiating their products. In the introduction she explains: In Chubut province, beekeeping is practiced in three regions, two of them are in areas watered by the extra-Andean sector: the inferior valley of the Chubut river located in the southern end of the Phytogeographic Province of the Mount and the Senguerr river, in the Patagonica Phytogeographic County (Steppe). The remaining beekeeping establishments are in the northwest region, next to the Andean, (that is in the Forests Subantartic and ecotone, between these and Chubut). The work describes the Api flora from each one of these regions. To top |
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