Arjetic: a new science to study bees «Mr. Samuel de León is a learned Uruguayan beekeeper. Studious, creative, debater, passionate reader; he listens, criticizes, accepts or discusses, brave; deep expert of Latin, international language of the sciences. This book transmits culture and it is able to surprise those who believe to possess it» -Mr. Moises Katzenelson said when presenting «Las Abejas del Mercosur» the last published book of the author of this article-. Making our the words of Katzenelson we can add that besides Latin, Samuel de León, dominates Greek perfectly. That besides beekeeper, Samuel belongs to a philosophical and scientific line thought that we could link, without making a mistake, to the English naturist Charles Robert Darwin and to great teachers of the Evolution Theory like the Cordovan professor's Italo Gastaldi in whose conferences the Life overflowed the limitations of the knowledge thoroughly «scientific» and the western systematic. As we understand that Samuel de León defines it, the Arjetic it would be closely linked the Biology, the Physiology and the Asexual Embriology, but not Genetics. He chose to define it a neologism of great width in their definition, taking -as him explains - of the Greek «arcw», arjo = «to originate» and «tikh», tiké = «the art of» to explain the coming of organisms originated asexually, but not generated. The article includes the following subtitles: - Arjetic: A new science. - Bees Reproduction. - Parthenogenesis doesn't explain the birth of drones. - Arjetic Terminology. REQUEST TO OUR EDITORIAL THE BOOK "LAS ABEJAS DEL MERCOSUR" (only in Spanish) To top Beekeeping Regions: Chubut (Argentina) Last Thursday September 30, Friday 1º and Saturday October 2, "ESPACIO APICOLA" arrived to Gaiman, old Welsh colony in the Chubut River valley, to participate of the «1st. Beekeepin Meetingin of Chubut» organized by the Beekeepers Society of the Valley, relating Producers in the region and the Beekeeping Cooperative, with the Provincial Government's support, CORFO (Development Corporation) of Chubut, the local Agency of the INTA and the Chubut Foundation. Origin Denomination - Quality Systems Induction The conferences that crowned the beekeeping meeting in Gaiman, Chubut province, the last October 2, were those referred to reach the «Origin Denomination» of bee products of the Chubut River Valley and of other regions of that southern province. Engineer Alicia Forcone referred to the «palinology honeys characterization in the valleys under watering of the Chubut» and then the Engineer Héctor Ordoñez, private consultant, come from Buenos Aires, he made a defiant call to work on the whole toward what was proposed as main axis of the meeting, the «Origin Denomination» of bee local products. Ordoñez highlighted the necessity of a provincial and national legal framework, that allows to local producers to defend the added value of its products in front of the disloyal competition. The article is the synthesis of its exhibition, explaining all the steps that should be taken and to arrive to the origin denomination. To top Apimondia 99 - Vancouver In the imposing city of Vancouver, Canada, was developed the XXXVIº Apimondia Congress and Api-Expo ‘99. 2977 people, among lecturers, commercial exhibitors, participants, companions and journalists register in this last congress of the century. We visit the commercial sample too. VANCOUVER AND THE CONVENTIONS CENTER The Conventions Center where the congress was developed it is summoned in a pier, of modern architecture, in the middle of tourist, financial and commercial center of the Vancouver Downtown. To their sides, in front of a great contoured bay of mountains and upholstered parks of coniferous, hydroplanes and helicopters that give movement and coloring to the landscape by way of garlands,... In an extensive note of central pages, we describe a first impression of what was this congress, accompanied by more than 30 pictures that illustrate from the backstage of the congress until the machineries exposed in the api-expo. To top |
Apimondia and Apitherapy Doctor Hugo Aguirre is medical in San Guillermo, in Santa Fe province, and he is also a beekeeper. Uniting both dedications has been guided toward the apitherapy. With him we share the room of a modest hostelling in the Vancouver Downtown during the last Apimondia Congress in which Hugo in fact had participation in the apitherapy shop. To their return we request him commented us their impressions about the congress and the present time in apitherapy. At the same time, another doctor, Oscar Vales subscriber of Espacio Apícola, with who are also in Vancouver, spontaneously sent us an invaluable letter and that we transcribe separated in note, after the present. The article and the letter make reference to the following topics: - Lights and Shadows; straw and wheat of a Long one in route to Traveling. - What Apimondia is? - The Apitherapy Commission. - Surprise... - Attention. to top Drums for honey, the Argentine nightmare. SENASA's norms put into practice, a couple of years ago, the use of new drums to export honey. This norm was corrected last year authorizing the use of recycled drums; it contrasts abruptly with the reality of other exporters countries.
Propolis alternative production requires so much cares that the honey production. As well as have increased requirements about the export honey quality, another point has happened with propolis that, also, it is used for the pharmacological industry. What it was said about Varroa in Vancouver
Having attended the biggest quantity in possible conferences in the last Apimondia Congress in Vancouver, after making a first reading on the summaries only published by the organization of the congress this time in English, Mónica Cristina Wingenroth, Biological doctor from Mendoza (Argentina), prepared a synthesis of different topics. |
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