Honey Bee Preference for certain Pollen varieties

Original en Español

Dr. Mónica Cristina Wingenroth's investigations together with beekeepers of the area of Lavalle, Mendoza province, Argentina, they point out a particular interest of the bees for certain pollen varieties.
This edition has this original article and other important articles and notes of the Argentine Beekeeping.

Update on October of 2000


Main titles of the edition44of ESPACIO APICOLA,
August - October of 2000.

Table of contents


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An over-excessive normative

(Córdoba, August of 2000) - A lot of beekeeper's meetings has happened in the whole Country, last months.
The imminent application of the 220/95 SENASA's norm has been the excluding topic and the respective ones instructive starting from the next one October 20.
All these meetings concluded with a more or less formal order to the SENASA, of certain flexibility in the terms and contents of the referred norm, or it change.
Some can wonder: don't the Argentinean beekeepers want to preserve the quality of their honey? to maintain and to lead the preference of the external markets?
Certainly that yes, the Argentinean beekeepers not only want to preserve the quality of their honey and the preferences of the international markets leadership, but rather they are working to improve the production processes strongly, from the beehive handling, the deseases control up to the machineries and buildings of the extraction rooms; also doing the effort of being informed, to be linked and developing, with different disciplines investigators, studies in order to differentiate their products. Just as the original article of the Dr. Wingenroth that we publish now and that it was realized next to beekeepers of Mendoza province; or the propolis investigations that beekeepers and investigators of Corrientes province are making; or the analysis protocols of honey that are carried out in San Luis province and that, without our support, without the beekeepers support they had already disappeared.
Which is it then the true that underlies behind this, in occasions, virulent claim?
The respective notes risen by beekeepers of the South of Córdoba province and of Entre Ríos province that we publish entirely in this edition, they are enough answer.
The beekeepers are facing to the paralyzed haven in the Argentinean bureaucracy. Intermediate organisms of the State over-excessive and paradoxically absent.
We want fervently that the Argentine beekeeping comes out airy. The records of the national industry in these fights are not very encouraging, however the trust in ourselves, in the certainty of having positioned our country in this item and the necessity of realism that the National Government and the provincial Governments has today, is to our favor. ¡God willing we have a beautiful spring!

The Director
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Minerals present in Propolis potentialize their Antiseptic Qualities

Aty. Angela Sosa at the  Atomic Absorption equipment "Espacio Apícola" was visited, last July, the Agricultural Chemistry Laboratory of the Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences Faculty of the Northeast National University in "Corrientes" city.
At this time we had the opportunity to interview with the Graduated Angela Sosa that had participated exposing a poster in the Argentine Beekeeping Regions Meeting last May in "San Francisco".
The report, in which also participated Mrs. Silvia Susana Ramírez and the Atty. Ricardo Antonio Rolas, highlights the important advances that this laboratory having in the propolis oligoelements determination of the region, as well as the explanation of the techniques of Atomic Absorption that they use.
The report also reflects important qualities of the Northeast Argentinean (NEA) propolis.-

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The Most traditional Beekeeping in the Argentine Republic
Angel Zola

A cold and drizzle morning of June, after the "Azul" beekeeping meeting, "Espacio Apícola" was go to Necochea to visit one of those "historical" of the Argentine Beekeeping, Mr. Angel Zola.
We speak of his history, his beekeeping beginnings, of Beekeeping Migratory... of all that along the years the University of the Life and the Beehive are able to become trained.
The treated topics are:
- Personal History.-
- The Years of Peacefulness: Beekeeping = The best business
- The Blowfly bee hunter (Malophora ruficauda)
- Nucleus and QueenBees breeding.
- The Bee (rehearsals with different races)
- How to be adapted to the season and the economic changes

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Nosema disease
Francisco Tejerina (left) with beekeepers from Cnel. Pringles and Cnel. Suarez towns of Buenos Aires province

Nosema is a disease of the mature bees that has bigger incidence periodically in affected areas for cold and humid storms, so characteristic of the marine coast from Buenos Aires.
Conversing with Francisco Tejerina in the "Azul" Beekeeping meeting, of "Coronel Pringles" town, suggested us we dedicated a couple of pages to this important illness that usually makes more damage of the one than we believe.
Mr. Tejerina some years ago distributes in the country the "Fugiprin" that is a product with fumagillin. This drug is considered the ideal active principle worldwide to combat the causal agent of the Nosema disease.
To introduce us in the topic we will present a synthesis elaborated starting from the notes of the beekeeping school "The Apiary", of Córdoba; some personal communications and the recent publication on "Honey Bee Pests, Predators & diseases" Edited by Roger A. Morse and Kim Flottum.
In this first delivery we approach the following topics:
- Introduction
- Etiology
- Biological cycle
- Favorable environmental conditions
- Symptoms
- Damages that Nosema apis Zander causes
- Diagnostic

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Claim for the Honey Extraction Rooms' Regulations

Last Saturday August 5th beekeepers of the south of Córdoba province summoned to a special meeting in Sampacho's town, to sixty kilometers of "Río Cuarto" city, on the national route number 8.
The reason of the same one was to sign a petition one so that the Córdoba Government intervene in the birdcall to the SENASA in what refers to the 220/95 norm of honey extraction rooms registration.
Macía (Entre Ríos), August 11th 2000. Sixty six beekeepers summoned for a conference about the "Resolution 220/95 on honey extraction rooms" in charge of the Engineer Hugo Fachini, technician of the SENASA, they were enslaved when he wanted to change the agenda and to speak on "Export Norms of honeys". - The two notes point out the widespread uneasiness among the Argentine Beekeepers regarding the aforementioned norm.

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Honey bee preference for Certain Pollen Varieties

Honeybee over Baccharis salicifolia
When many beekeepers that take their beehives to the unirrigated natural forest land in Mendoza's province believed that the bee lifted mainly pollen of the plants of Prosopis aff. alpataco (alpataco), the recent developed investigation works for the Dr. Mónica Cristina Wingenroth next to the beekeeper Pedro Calderón, among other collaborators, it has demonstrated that in the studied area the bees prefere the pollen of Lycium chilense.
This is one of the so many surprises that this deep and responsible work offers us. Will be this one, one of the fundamental arguments to the Origin Quality Denomination of the beekeeping products of this mainly autochthonous vegetation region?
They are two fundamental reasons for which it is a pride to publish this investigation work into "Espacio Apícola" Magazine. At first because we know the author's scientific capacity, Dr. Wingenroth, who used all her knowledge bagage and the great infrastructure of the Palynology Laboratory of the IANIGLA, CRICYT with their collaborators at this work service; also we are certain of the great quantity of dedicated days, for her personally, reporting data in the field just as the records that we have published on this work demonstrate it (Cfr. "Espacio Apícola" Nº 35, 37, 39 and 41).
Monica and Pedro in Lavalle - Mendoza - Argentina
Finally, because this investigation work was developed together with a beekeeping company, of Mr. Calderón, with installed apiaries and dedicated to the production of which he and his family live, that which gives him a realism and feasibility of the one that many other investigation works suffer.
The title of the original article, published entirety, it is:
- Abstract
It has been identified the vegetable origin of the pollen pellets formed by Apis mellifera L in this work, the percentage was determined with which each species is represented and the preference of Apis mellifera L was suggested to collect pollen of certain species. This was achieved harvesting the pollen collected by Apis mellifera L every ten days, during nine serial hours approximately, and identifying it, jointly with the pollen collected during the whole season, this last one separated in two selected time intervals by the beekeeper.
- Introduction
- Geographical location
- Climatology
- Vegetation
- Materials and Methods
- Obtained results
- Results Analysis
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Gratefulness and Bibliography
Lycium chilense
The article is published with some plants pictures and the microscope picture of the 12 pollen grains of more significance for the bees, in natural state and colour, just as any beekeeper or investigator could appreciate them in a microscope before the chemical processing to which they be use to form a palynology library.
The article also includes all the charts where the 49322 classified pollen pellets were systematized.

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First edition March 5th of 1997

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Argentine Republic
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