SANITARY AND FEEDING APIARY HANDLING SUNFLOWER POLLINATION Booster outlines to achive a new balance that benefits the Beehives and Nurseries |
STORED FOOD SMELLS AFFECT THE HARVESTED PREFERENCES OF THE WORKER BEES - Walter Farina, Andrés Arenas and Vanesa Fernández Group of Study of Social Insects - Department of Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Faculty of Exact and Natural Ciences UBA - Buenos Aires - Argentina ![]() Group of Study of social insects directed by Dr. Walter Farina We published in the hard edition the whole lecture that Dr. Walter Farina offered on Saturday May 6 during the "Fair and Beekeeping Meeting from the Center of the Country" about "A world of Smells inside the beehive: Its importance when harvesting food" In Espacio Apícola 71st, we had published the abstract of the original work, carried out by Andrés Arenas and Vanesa M. Fernández. In the 73rd edition, we refered to the immediate impact that this lecture had during the Fair. ![]() ![]() Andrés Arenas and Vanesa Fernández authors. That impact led into new contributions published in this edition. Considering that the information given during the lecture exceeded widely the summary published, we publish the whole conference to evaluate the arguments presented, so each one cam take his own conclusions, maybe find a explanation to some phenomena we see and why not, start to make test taking advantage of these experimental data. The work with all its illustrations include more than 15 pages and it's presented with the following subtitles: - INTRODUCTION - BEE AND ECOSYSTEM - THE BEEHIVE - INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: IMPORTANT ARGUMENTAL BASE - THE WORK DIVISION - CAN WE POINT THE BEES WHERE WE NEED THEM TO GO? - USED EXPERIMENTAL METHOD - ANALYSIS OF RESULTS - CONCLUSIONS It implies: - Obviously the bees manage global information of what is happening inside the beehive about food - Smell memories can be formed in very long time, from the stored smell food inside the beehive. - These kinds of memories can be remembered in harvesting, for example: landing in the right flowering or for example extending the proboscis when receiving that smell. - OUR GOALS To top JUJUY - ARGENTINA: POLLEN CONTAINED OF HONEYS FROM JUJUY - Ana Carina Sánchez and Liliana Lupo Faculty of Agrarian Sciences - National University of Jujuy - Jujuy - Argentina For the first time we have the pleasure of publishing a beekeeping flora report of Jujuy province. There the activity is having an important growth in the last years. This work was presented during the “XIV Fair and Beekeeping Meeting from the Center of the Country”. INTRODUCTION The flora wealth of Jujuy province is shown in the five phytogeographic provinces: "Chaqueña", "Yungas", "Prepuna", "Puna" and "Altoandina" (Cabrera, 1976), among those, only the first three have a commercial beekeeping activity. The natural nutritious resource that these provinces contribute with is complemented with the human action that brings valued species for the beehive. The honeys present variations of their physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics as a consequence of the diversity of botanical origins (Carretero 1989, Tellería, 2001). At the moment, due to the beekeeping productiion conditions in the region, we must point to the segment of bottled honeys, with identity of botanical and geographical origin that allows us to get better prices and reach new markets (Bedascarrasbure, 1995). The present work looks for analyzing the pollen contained of honeys coming from different province regions, determining which are the main types. - Materials and Methods - Results - Discussion and Conclusion - Bibliography To top |
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