NOSEMA: Causes, Diagnostic and Treatment API-EXP SAN FRANCISCO 2006 - A representative sample of the Argentine Beekeeping |
BEEKEEPERS AS PROTAGONISTS, TECHNICAL AND ACADEMIC SUPPORT - Editorial Article Poster of the "Dean Funes Producers Assn." Departament of Ischilín, Córdoba. Argentina. In the "Fairs and Beekeeping Meeting from the Center of the Country", since several years we have been developing the "Meeting of Argentinean Beekeeping Regions" in order to promote the differentiation of the beekeeping products according to their origin region. It is a space where the beekeepers and professionals, can hang a poster refered to their work area, the flora that composes the ecosystem, the type of handling the company makes and the honey characteristics, the pollen or the propolis that is harvested there. As the beginnings, the place we offer to hang posters looking for strengtening the Meeting helps to increase the exchange of experiences among producers and it brings near to everybody the knowledge and practice of the beekeepers and professional who are next to te producer. Some posters presented and published in this edition are: REGIONS OF BEEKEEPING IMPORTANCE IN THE DELTA OF PARANA RIVER by Natalia Fracassi and Laura Gurini; ESPERANZA - SANTA FE presented by Dening and Castillo families; BEEKEEPING PROJECT FROM DEAN FUNES presented by beekeepers of the Northwest of Córdoba, among others. Also during the “XIV Fair and Beekeeping Meeting from the Center of the Country" the "Palyno-Net" was constituted, an initiative of the investigators dedicated to the honeys clasification in our Country. The idea was summed up around the Argentinean Beekeeping Meeting that summons year by year all the palynologist and investigators dedicated to define the characteristics of monofloral honeys and regional honeys in the different provinces. Most of the beekeepers and Professional interested in looking for alternatives to minimize the disastrous results of the soya cultivation expansion in marginal regions and in the "Pampa Húmeda" as for the honey production as for meat and milk production, assisted to the convocation “For an Agricultural integration”. Among the public that attended and participated in the talks, and later share the experinces of Héctor Suriak, Herman Zorzin (see Espacio Apícola 65th) and Patricio Crespo (see Espacio Apícola 72nd), were beekeepers of different provinces even Mr. Saccavino who was one of the pioneers in the practice of sowing for bees, in the border region of Santa Fe and Córdoba, near San Francisco. It was talked about the works of Fernando and Gabriel Vairolatti (see Espacio Apícola 52nd) who were present. To top JUJUY - ARGENTINA: POLLEN CONTAINED OF HONEYS FROM JUJUY - Ana Carina Sánchez and Liliana Lupo Faculty of Agrarian Sciences - National University of Jujuy - Jujuy - Argentina For the first time we have the pleasure of publishing a beekeeping flora report of Jujuy province. There the activity is having an important growth in the last years. This work was presented during the “XIV Fair and Beekeeping Meeting from the Center of the Country”. INTRODUCTION The flora wealth of Jujuy province is shown in the five phytogeographic provinces: "Chaqueña", "Yungas", "Prepuna", "Puna" and "Altoandina" (Cabrera, 1976), among those, only the first three have a commercial beekeeping activity. The natural nutritious resource that these provinces contribute with is complemented with the human action that brings valued species for the beehive. The honeys present variations of their physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics as a consequence of the diversity of botanical origins (Carretero 1989, Tellería, 2001). At the moment, due to the beekeeping productiion conditions in the region, we must point to the segment of bottled honeys, with identity of botanical and geographical origin that allows us to get better prices and reach new markets (Bedascarrasbure, 1995). The present work looks for analyzing the pollen contained of honeys coming from different province regions, determining which are the main types. - Materials and Methods - Results - Discussion and Conclusion - Bibliography To top |
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