Update on July of 1999


Versión original en Castellano


Main titles of the edition38of ESPACIO APICOLA,
May - July of 1999.


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Member of the Argentina HyperBanner

Toward the Argentine Beekeeping Regions Meeting of 2000

Monica Wingenroth Dr. drinking It is stimulant for the beekeeping sector that, during beekeepers practice exhibition like Raúl Arnoletto or other, be participating one more than the auditory, an investigator like Mónica Wingenroth Dr..
With her, like with so many important beekeepers of the Argentine Beekeeping, we all had the opportunity to share a "mate" (a familiar Argentine infusion), a conversation, in the recent one “7th Fair and Beekeeping Meeting of the Center of the Republic” that ESPACIO APICOLA it organized in Río Cuarto city (Córdoba - Argentina) the past 7 at May 9.-
The image that conjugates the trajectory, seriousness and suitability naturally for both parts, confirms us in the difficult one but encouraging hierarchization of our Beekeeping and of ourselves as Argentinean beekeepers.
Next to the legitimate fight to defend the fair retribution for our effort, the respect and the valuation that ourselves gives to that is we make. Of there our objective to professionalize the activity, to optimize the production systems, to enlarge the knowledge on the sciences that involve our chore, the classification of honeys and beehive products or to insert our chore in a Quality System.
Increasing our effort in these work lines, among many of which have been main promoters in the last years, our collaborators team is impelling us toward the involution, valuation and diffusion of regional beekeepings.
Of there that the launching of the «Expo-Apícola San Francisco 2000», for the days 5, 6 and 7 of May of next year, it will summon us in a great Argentine Beekeeping Regions Meeting.
The Center of the Republic Beekeeping Meeting that we begin organizing with Frati Quiroga in 1992 today reached a such transcendency that, means colleagues like the magazine "Vida Apícola" (Spain) directed by Silvia Cañas, it has placed this fair among the four that she mentions with international character.
This has different readings. First, we have in our hands the responsibility and opportunity of making of this fair a window from the Argentine Beekeeping to the World. On the other hand, this fair has only grown with the support of the companies and beekeepers of the most varied regions of the country. To you then owe them a place in this window.
Finally, if the economic joint is one of some factors that limits the growth of other beekeeping meetings in the country, we want to put our experience and structure and the infrastructure of the important cities where we organize the exhibition, to be a service of less favored regions. So that each one of them can put all their energy in expressing, at least in a poster, their identity, their productive characteristics and to have this way the possibility of a concrete expression in a physical SPACE that identifies them and to not get lost in the mass to which drive us some opportunists strategies or the mere one «globalization» where we are immersed.
The proposal is open to all.
With best regards.
The Director
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Toward a Intensive Beekeeping: "The Autumn"

Ricardo Miguel Prieto
Year to year the beehives handling practice, conditioned by climatic and economic changes, outlines in the beekeeping world a fluid exchange of experiences.
Ricardo Miguel Prieto, grateful Queenbreeder of the center-north Buenos Aires province and technical collaborator of Espacio Apícola, offer us in this opportunity a punctual and practical article, from his experience enriched by his hard activity and for the exchange with many producing of the region and the country.
The note includes the following subtitles:
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Queen Bees Production: Adapted Doolittle comb
Manuel Luis Oliver, Cordovan technician

Manuel Luis Oliver, Technician of Córdoba province, he writes for Espacio Apícola.
In the different productive strata of our activity, always had remained latent, the interest for the production of royal cells fundamentally for queenbees and although with smaller dedication and without continuity for royal jelly.
In the last decades, this interest was observed notoriously increased by the imposition of the growth of the activity and the necessity of existent productive apiaries improvement in different beekeeping provinces, in some of them with political of diffusion and development very important.
The article consists of the following topics:
In turn the explanation of the adaptation and their use are ilustrated with six very didactic graphics.
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Trips and chemicals, threaten Pollination and Honey Production

New plagues?
Juan José Mange, Technician of Río Negro province (Patagonia - Argentina), he writes for Espacio Apícola.
I wanted, based on the situation of the last seasons in the Río Negro Half Valley, -very low nectar entrance, but mainly very fluctuating, in places and in the time - to remark a series of reflections on the cause of the same ones.
«Not whenever there are flowers there are entrance (of nectar)» Mr. Agliani told us 25 years ago in the beekeeping course, in La Plata (Bs.As.). This was it checking in the time, realizing that if there is a complex topic it is the nectar secretion (correlated with temperature, heatstroke, wind, nitrogen fertility, phosphorus, potassium, boron, zinc), stiller if a bug chops the flowers. Although the last year it didn't accompany climatically (warm winter with icy spring - spring and summer very dry-, when in Río Negro (Patagonia - Argentina) freezes we said they are below -10ºC). Thanks to this we found difficult to make population, for that somebody of other region could make a mistake; the situation comes repeating for several seasons and it can attribute himself to several causes: 1) Trips of flowers (Frankiniella occidentalis): description, damages that it causes and treatments 2) Chemicals: Bees DL50 value of different products.
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Quality Certification Experience

Fernando with Mr. Anselmo Marx and Mr. Nestor Barba

Fernando Esteban is presenting Anselmo Marx and Néstor Barba during the expo.
Just as we had announced it, in the Expo-apícola Río Cuarto’99, we advance on this topic so bound to our editorial line.
The gentlemen Anselmo Marx and Néstor Barba, production and commercialization manager respectively of Tomiel S.R.L., they exposed their experience, as the first Argentinean company that put into practice the «Mieles Pampeanas» protocol, approved at the end of 1998 by the INTA (Espacio Apícola nº 37), ending up certifying the first 100 drums of honey. This momentous event confirms the tendencies that we point out, something more than two years (ESPACIO APICOLA nº 28, 29, 31, 32, 33 and following), about the new international honeys markets demands.
We present the note, like report, just as it was given during Río Cuarto meeting.
These were some from the questions that they answer in the one mentioned note:
- How and when does you formed your company?
- Why did you enter in a Quality System?
- How did you adapt your work system to national and international demands?¿What you should change?
- What does you regist in the work?
- How do the audits work?
- Does the possibility that other producing of the country use this protocol exist?
and others
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Polemic bill

This year a polemic bill was presented by the national deputy Mr. Juan Carlos Passo, with the intention of retaining something more than 35% from the current refund to the honey exports of that it is equal to 4,1% of the FOB honey price that is exported, to dedicate it to the promotion of the internal honey consumption.
We present the complete text of the project, very questioned by beekeepers and exporters; the proposal of Beekeepers Cooperative Federation of Bs.As. province and paths letters of beekeepers sent to our writing.
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First edition 5th of March of 1997

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Member of the Argentina HyperBanner

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Argentine Republic
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