In San Francisco's "expo-apícola" we debate on four squares that synthesized the main aspects to keep in mind to produce honey under the approaches of Good Factory Practices and a fifth square referred to "Hazard Analisis Critical Control Points" (HACCP) system in the production, just as we announce it to introductory way in the article published in the previous edition (Espacio Apícola Nº 32 «Good Factory Practices applied to the Production of Honey» p. 24 at 33)
The conference was in charge of Manuel Luis Oliver -Téc. Ap.- with special interventions of Carlos Rossi -Téc.Ap.- and José Maidana -Dr.
The lecturers was speaking from their beekeeping and educational experience, the most basic and elementary approaches with two clear objectives: At First that it can be comprehensible and applicable for all the beekeepers and the Second that it is good as relating of the elementary and enough to contribute to the national debate on the topic.
We publish in this number a synthesis of that conference, completed with elements discussed into a editorial team during the previous days of the exhibition.
For some one maybe sins very elementary, but it stops most it will surely be an important contribution that it will help us to remember fundamental aspects that maybe the time, the habit, the negligence or the ignorance of some risks have made us forget.
For those that are beginning it is a good starting point.
We treat the essential aspects that a beekeeper should keep in mind to preserve the harmlessness of the harvested products of the beehives and to take care of the nutritious properties of the same ones according to the reference material.
For it we refer to general aspects to keep in mind, to the sanitary handling, of feeding and incentive, to the honey crop properly and the fundamental characteristics of the extraction room.
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Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases
Kim Flottum, editor of «Bee Culture» magazine, sent us recently the third edition of the book that published next to Roger A. Morse -Dr. «Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases».
Kim is better known in our means to have published more than a dozen of books, one of those like «the ABC XYZ of Beekeeping» also next to Roger A. Morse, Dr.
«The worldwide eradication of any honey bee diseases is unrealistic. Thus, a reduction in economic damage in the beekeeping insdustry must depend on methods that maintain pathogens and parasites at reduced levels. The widespread use of chemical treatments has serious potential costs and risks resulting from the development of chemically resistant strains of disease agentsand chemical contamination of hive products. Thus, the development of non-chemical control methods should recived more attention. The evidence presented above suggests that there is sufficient genetic variability for resistance to diseases to make selective breeding a viable component of commercial honey bee management.
Selective breeding programs will not succeed, however, without economic incentives. Current prices paid for queens produced in the United States will not support the added expense of industry-driven breeding programs. Institutional breeding programs at state-supported universities and the United States Department of Agriculture have never succeeded, party because of the failure of the bee industry to adopt the stocks they produced. If the beekeeping industry is not willing to pay higher prices for selected stocks or is not willing to support and accept stocks produced by institutional stock-improvement programs, then the only alternative for the future is the continued use of dangerous and expensive chemicals.»
(Robert E. Page Jr. and Ernesto Guzmán-Novoa, «The Genetic Basis of Diseases Resistance» Perspectives and Conclusions, chapter 21, p. 491)
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ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION, an European vision from Canarias Islands
Mr. Elías González San Juan is an intrepid beekeeper of Canarias Islands that administers a Spanish Beekeepers List in the Internet, to which can subscribe gratuitously any interested one.
Before the interest created in many Argentinean beekeepers regarding this matter production style, "Espacio Apícola" ask him on how it was guided and regulated this matter in Europe and particularly in Spain. At first sight it is noticed that the internal demands of the EEC would be considerably smaller to those that are imposing for us.
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