"paaj" Pollen Harvesting (Quebracho Colorado) Raúl M. Arnoletto, one of more grateful Quebracho pollen producer, as revering to the centennial mounts, he introduces us in the handmade crop of one of the purest, valuable and paradoxically not very well-known foods... the Pollen of "Quebracho Colorado" or "paaj" like is still called in Quechua Santiagueño, the original language of the province. With an exquisite flavor that contrasts notably with one extracted of other floral varieties, the Quebracho Colorado pollen, Schinopsis quebracho-colorado (Schlecht.) Barkley et Meyer, it is harvested and cleaned in Santiago del Estero province by beekeepers and their families. Fernando Manzano, another beekeeper of Santiago del Estero with those ESPACIO APICOLA could go into quebracho's forest to crop pollen. The note, of twelve pages is ilustrated with more than 20 pictures taken during the crop and prosecution on February of 1999. It narrates different topics with the following subtitles: -POLLEN PRODUCTION - BEES - MATERIALS - THE POLLEN TRAP - TRAPS AND CROP - DRYING AND CLEANING - YIELDS AND MARKET. To top Pollen Show the Differs Current tendencies of consumer's market require the origin products identification, particularly nutritious, and specifically those that show distinguished properties by their nutritious value, for their condition of natural foods in pure state and stiller when these come from geographical areas of the planet without polution and elaborated based on technical of certified procedures. |
"Mieles Pampeanas" Protocol![]() It was approved by INTA, National Institute of Agricultural Technology, the Protocol for honeys production system made by “Mieles Pampeanas”, Cooperation Manager's Association (A.C.E.), of Southwest of Buenos Aires province. IRAM (Rationalization Materials Institute) It's the organism certifier of the execution of the same one protocol. IRAM have a grateful international trajectory for its participation in ISO'S Norms Committee. Recently IRAM authorities traveled to "Teniente Origone's town" to extract the last honey samples of the first 100 drums that will be certified by the mentioned institute to complete that settled down in this protocol. Just as our editorial suggested it in Espacio Apícola Nº 29 (august 1997) the answer toward growing quality demands of external markets (E.A. nº28 - June of 1997 and following) it would find satisfaction if producers assumed and they took the leading in development and implementation of a "certified production systems", a "Quality System". The extensive note narrates the different topics according to the following subtitles: - PROJECT DEVELOPMENT - AN ARDUOUS ROAD - WHAT IS THE PROTOCOL - HOW THE SYSTEM IS IMPLEMENTED - WHICH ARE CONTROVERSIAL ASPECTS FOR BEEKEEPERS Being these other ones to be responded in the Beekeeping-Expo Río Cuarto and in our next edition of Espacio Apícola: - WHAT IMPORTANCE DOES IT HAVE TO WORK UNDER A PROTOCOL? - HOW MUCH COSTS IMPLY TO ASSUME A QUALITY SYSTEM? - ARE BETTER PERSPECTIVES OF COMMERCIALIZATION GLIMPSED IF WE WORK WITH A QUALITY SYSTEM? - DOES EACH COMPANY HAVE TO HAVE ITS OWN PROTOCOL OR WE CAN ADHERE TO THIS ONE? to top German Apitherapy Society
The Rumanian Dr. Stefan Stângaciu*, he was recently elected president of the German Apitherapy Society. Stefan was shared with us last days of the Beekeeping-Expo of San Francisco’98. (cfr. Espacio Apícola: The fall of honey price has generated a series of interesting movements among beekeepers. In different points of the country such actions have begun as debate meetings, proposals of increasing the internal market, presumed culprits' of the situation search, bills and proposed to modify the current joint. |
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