To advance toward a production system with approaches of Good Factory Practices, as we come outlining in "Espacio Apícola", it necessarily implies to acquire the habit of taking note of all that we made. If the objective to medium term is the certification of our productive process as organic or subject to norms HACCP or other parameters that are developing, the registration is an elementary condition. We be aware of the difficulties that many people have to take registrations, so much of the work to field like of the administration of our small family company and keeping in mind the demand, of many producers, to generate spaces inside the company for family member participation who doesn't like so much of working with beehives, we invites Rafael Frati Quiroga (Lic. Agrarian Administration) to give us an initiation material in this thematic. ![]() This colleague, collaborates with us, in these thematic, ones from Espacio Apícola's beginnings for 1990, he has worked a lot the topic with the other technicians of the programs "Cambio Rural" and "PRO-API" that also, from there beginnings a couple of years ago, insist in the importance of giving a managerial profile to the beekeeping activity. With the title of " Api-woman", thinking that this space could be occupied in the first place by our respective wives or daughters, Rafael exposed his proposal before more than 400 people in the carp of dissertations of the "Expo-Apícola of the Center of the Republic, San Francisco’98". Based on that dissertation we arrange the following note, with graphics. To top The Substitutes of Pollen should be administered dry
For difficulties that many producers had to condition their beehives before the winter, added to the temperate temperatures that we have had in the months of June and July, we request to Alejandro Italiano, recently incorporate as Technical Adviser of
Ricedal S.A. that offers us his experience before a month of August and usually quite critical September (remember we live in South América) if the beehives were not very provided for the winter and stiller if during the same one they consumed more than the normal.
POLLEN PRODUCTION: Trap type I.N.R.A. Writed by Héctor Monti (Agricultural technician) ![]() This roof trap or superior -type INRA - it was incorporate for their experimentation arround the "ENTRE RIOS's APIBOTANIC STUDIES", starting from 1991. The test was made in sixteen apiaries of the Paraná and Concordia's departments of this province. With this trap it could register a maximum yield of 4.600 Kg. of pollen in a season and according to the evaluation with an efficient handling of the same one you can overcome this yield. Diverse factors intervene to increase the probabilities of success with this trap that we commented later on, graphic material it is also attached for their construction and use way. To top Newly we appear in Internet,... be patient! We will go publishing, new comments and notes about different informations. We also have foreseen to present a listing of topics, articles and authors published in ESPACIO APICOLA in these seven years. We receive suggestions and comments, contact us. To top |
European countries DEMAND ANALYSIS witness to Official Organisms
The announcement was made by the grateful Uruguayan technicians Toscano and Harriet
of the Veterinary Laboratory «M.C. Rubino» clerk of the General Address of Cattle Services of the Uruguay.
Cooperatives from Buenos Aires
Among the assistants to the Meeting in San José (Uruguay) it was Her Eckhardt Kunze with their two children Dieter(right) and Hugo(left). ![]()
We transcribe part of the cassette of the second conference that the doctor in medicine, Rumanian, Sefan Stângaciu offered us in San Francisco's "Expo-apícola" in the month of May, before more than 300 people that participated from the noon until near 16hs o'clock. Uruguay: "Central Apícola Cooperativa" - (Beekeepers Coperative Central) ![]() The Beekeeping Cooperative Central of the Uruguay (Central Apícola Cooperativa), is a cooperative of second degree. It concentrates the 20% of the producers of this country in up to now 12 basic cooperatives members and it markets among 1500 to 1900 annual tons of honey, equivalent also to 20% of the national production (in the Uruguay). The past 1st and 2nd of August carried out an informative and technical meeting in San José, to some 90 kms of Montevideo, the Capital city of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay. About a hundred beekeepers attended between partners and delegates of the cooperatives. "Espacio Apícola" it was specially invited to the encounter and had the opportunity to dialogue in oneself moment with the current president of the "Central", Ernesto Tolstoy (superior picture) and the previous one, Eduardo Baridón (inferior picture). The note makes reference to the operation of the "Central", its matter forms of work and to the current approached challenges. To top |
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